Quick, Healthy Lunch For Your Kiddos and The 80/20 Principle


Organic applesauce


Rice crackers

Black beans

Black olives

My daughter, Muira, has been fed vegetables since she was able to eat solid food.  I'm a firm believer that taste buds adapt and change (scientifically proven to be true, by the way). So starting a kiddo early on with vegetables will ensure their taste buds won't reject them later on.

I work hard to make sure she eats healthy but I also allow for a few treats here and there. She also eats whatever she is served when visiting friends/family/on vacation/etc.  I believe too much restriction on diet can rebound into disordered eating patterns (not healthy). I believe this is not only true for our kids but adults as well. 

A healthy existence can truly be experienced where food is used only as fuel and boosting health AND we can have moments of just enjoying and taking pleasure in our food. 

I like the 80-20 principle (eat for health and nutrition 80% of the time and 20% of the time allow for some pleasure). This doesn't mean that 20% of your day is eating for pleasure, this means that 20% of your monthly intake of food is for pleasure, 80% is for health and nutrition.

Most days are clean eating and one to two meals on the weekend can be for pleasure to maintain weight. 

Allow yourself (and your kiddos) to enjoy food for pleasure once in a while and the rest of the time focus on food for health and nutrition (which can also be simple, easy and pleasurable).


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