Temptation and the Weekend: How to Stay On Track

Unfortunately the weekend is typically where our healthy behaviors break down a bit.  During the week we have a schedule; we are structured and typically somewhat planned out.  Over the course of 2 days on the weekend, we can undo all our healthy behaviors we accomplished during the week.  We tend to eat more unhealthy foods and just eat more in general.  Some of us add in extra empty calories by drinking more alcohol.  Don't undo everything you did this past week.  Here are some tips on how to stick with your healthy goal behaviors on the weekend: 

1.  Keep a food diary.  A food diary (either written down or by using an app) can help you be mindful of what you are consuming.  This simple awareness and accountability is sometimes enough to keep us on track.

2.  Eat like it's a weekday.  There is really no reason to not eat like you typically do throughout the week.  Eat at the same times you would during the week and eat what you typically would during the week.  

3.  Eat protein for breakfast.  This is an important one.  If you can start off your weekend mornings with protein for breakfast, instead of empty carbs, you are more likely to stick with healthy eating throughout the day.  If you're not a breakfast eater, try taking a shot of protein powder (no soy) with water.  It will give you a boost of protein and start your day off right.

4.  Walk/run/lift/move.  Do something physical on Saturdays and Sundays.  Move.

5.  Keep your usual sleep patterns.  So many of us like to stay up late on the weekends and sleep in.  Although this feels good in the moment, research tells us that changing up sleep patterns activate hormones that regulate your hunger signals.  Even if you get the same hours of sleep, switching your bed time and wake-up time will affect these hormones and make you feel hungrier than you typically would feel.  Stick to your weekly schedule. 

6.  Weigh in on Mondays.  If you weigh yourself once a week, (and you should not be doing it more than this), make your weigh-in day on Mondays.  Knowing you have to step on that scale on Monday may help you stick to cleaner eating over the weekend.

7.  Plan for relaxation.  The weekend should include some relaxation time.  Plan for this.  Schedule in time to read a book, go for a walk, take a bath, meet up with friends, etc.  Relaxation helps us stay more mindful and in the moment.  More relaxation equals less stress-eating.

The weekends can be tough when trying to stick to healthy behaviors.  But with a little insight and planning, it can be accomplished!  Don't give up!


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