Outdoor Coaching Sessions For nature Enthusiasts
Walk & Talk Sessions
Coaching sessions while walking or hiking. The restorative benefits of the outdoors on mind, body & soul are unmatched. From the calming effects of forest bathing to a leisurely hike in the woods we know our brains enter a state of decreased anxiety and improved mood. When this occurs we are able to access more areas of the brain required to benefit from coaching sessions. We also have studies showing walking and talking can help shift ‘stuckness’ in clients and facilitate more psychological processing. Email me for more information.
Bike Sessions
Coaching sessions mingled with mountain biking, gravel riding or bike packing. Biking in nature has energizing effects. From brisk single track to unhurried gravel riding the experience is up-lifting. These brain-boosting effects can give us more insight and clarity around our internal experiences. Riding for 30+ minutes and then taking a break to dive into life coaching topics can produce understanding and direction that doesn’t always happen as quickly with regular-style coaching sessions. Email me for more information. Pricing depends on your personal biking experience & time preference.
Paddle, Climb, Ski/Board Sessions
Coaching sessions mingled with paddle boarding, climbing, or ski/snowboarding. From relaxed paddle boarding to more intense bouts of climbing or ski/boarding, time outside creates a different brain-state conducive to finding more creative solutions to problems. During the activity period we take breaks to focus on the personal issues at hand and engage in a process to find solutions and create a plan of action that feels doable and aligned to your goals and values. Email me for more information. Pricing depends on your activity experience & time preference.