Why can't we stop our unhealthy eating behaviors when we really, really want to?

Why can't we stop when we really desire to stop?

My grandma's relationship with food was different than mine. She spent a lot of time during the day collecting food, preparing food, and being creative with it.  She served meals to her family, made special foods for the holidays, and was they way she nurtured family and friends. Food was the way family members were nurtured psychologically as well as physically at meals.  She sat down with her loved ones and connected. They ate until they felt satisfied, and stopped once they had enough. Food wasn't an issue back then as much as it is now.

For so many of us, food has become the enemy. It makes us fat, tempts us, bad makes us feel bad about ourselves. Food is something we want to avoid, ignore, and control. Through constant dieting, we've learned to change our natural signals that tell us it's time to eat or to stop eating.  Instead, we now make those decisions with our minds. Minds that tell us to restrict when very physically hungry and minds that tell us to continue to gorge long after our stomachs are full.  We have become disconnected from food.  We have become disconnected from our bodies.  

But we continue to crave physical and psychological nourishment.  Our diet, unhealthy nutrition habits, excessive intake of processed foods, fast foods, sugar, food additives; and lack of real, fresh, highly nutritious foods have left our appetites completely unsatisfied so we continue to eat and eat and eat to try to feel nourished. But because of our poor food choices we are stuffed full but lacking nutrients so we keep ingesting more and more food.  It's a vicious cycle that makes us overweight, hormones out of whack, depressed, and anxious.

Our fast-paced, high-stressed lives of trying-to-do-it-all have left us searching for something to soothe us and stop our minds from racing for just a moment. We think the answer is a quart of ice cream or a box of cookies but it never is.  Only when we can make friends with food, reconnect with our bodies, and follow the natural signals of both bodies and minds will we find peace.  

I can help you gain the tools you need to make peace with food; learn to love, respect, and listen to your body and ultimately find peace with food and your body.


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